GOD is the Issue Podcast
with Brad Bright

Podcast Episodes
May 2, 2022 - God is the Issue, in every issue
Is GOD really THE most important issue in the culture today? Bill Bright, founder of the largest Christian mission organization of the 20th century, said this: We can trace all our human problems to our view of God. Is that true? In this introductory podcast Brad shares his personal journey to discovering that God really is THE issue in EVERY issue. There IS hope for America and the world!
May 22, 2022 - Abortion: Who does God Love More?
The “Is it a Child or is it a Fetus?” debate is over. Even Whoopi Goldberg and Joe Biden recently referred to the fetus as a “child.” When an abortion is performed, a child dies. It is settled science. Therefore, the question we must answer is: Who does God love more, the mother or her unborn child? Brad discusses the current Supreme Court decision and how to make GOD the issue across the abortion divide.
June 13, 2022 Fighting the Culture War--Your First Duty as a Christian Citizen
Today, Brad Bright talks about the most important thing you can do as a Christian citizen, something we often ignore. If we don’t get the fundamentals right, the will to win is not enough. That’s why Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardy began every training camp holding up a football accompanied by these words, “Gentlemen, this is a football.” If you want to change culture, where must you start? And what will happen if you don’t?
Your 7 Duties as a Christian Citizen available at BrightMedia.org
June 27, 2022 Part 2 Public Education: Incubating Violence?
In the last show of God is the Issue, we discussed the many problems plaguing public education, including its sad demise into a system that incubates violence. What consequences do we have to face? What's the solution, and how can we bring God back into the picture? We'll address these questions this week as we continue talking about Public Education and how we can make God the Issue in this conversation.
July 25, 2022 Part 2: Love in an Angry Culture
Secular culture almost daily accuses Christians of being unloving and even hateful. When we stand up for unborn children, we are accused of hating the mother. When we defend biblical morality, we are accused of hating homosexuals. When we support the police, we are accused of being racists. How should we respond? What is love anyway? Is it a feeling? Is it a choice? Is it romance? Is it self-sacrifice? It is honesty? Is it kindness?
August 15,2022 The Three Reasons the Christian Life Does Not Work
Either Jesus lied—or you missed something. Jesus promised us His joy and His peace. Instead, most Christians routinely experience anxiety, fear, anger and hopelessness. Why? Please join Brad as he unpacks the three reasons the Christian life does not work, and what you can do about it.
September 12, 2022. Part 2: God Created Climate Change
Continuing the climate change discussion.
October 3, 2022 Part 2:
Five Lies Evangelicals Believe
Beginning with “God just wants me to be happy,” Brad unpacks the five most common lies Christians in America believe. Each of them alters how we see God, our ability to experience the joy and peace Jesus promised, and our capacity to impact culture.
October 24,2022 Part 1:
God and Gun Control
Columbine, Sandy Hook , Parkland, Uvalde, Texas, What do all of these places bring to mind? School shootings? Or a broken view of God? Today we will be talking about GOD AND GUN CONTROL.
May 9, 2022 - Fighting Symptoms or Winning the War - Impacting the Culture
As a Christian in the midst of cancel culture, do you ever feel like you are playing Whack-a-mole, or like Don Quixote tilting with windmills? Abortion, homosexuality, transsexuality, divorce, racism, socialism, economics, illegal immigration, greed, poverty, lying, cheating, stealing and violence… the list goes on and on… is there a way to address the issues and actually win?
May 16, 2022 - Jesus, the Master of Spin
Are you uncomfortable with the thought of Jesus as the “Master of Spin?” Most people are until they hear this message from Brad. You will be amazed at how shrewd Jesus was in “spinning” His message. You might just be inspired to apply His principles to your own conversations! If we want to be light in the darkness, we too must become masters of spin.
May 30, 2022 - Putin is a hero, only if...
Putin’s ruthless attempt to subjugate the people of Ukraine horrifies all but the most callous among us. Today Brad explores the harsh reality that Putin is a hero (no matter how seemingly monstrous his actions may be) if a widely accepted modern scientific theory is the basis for morality.
June 20, 2022 - Part 1 of Public Education: Incubating violence?
The Public school system, when first established the bible was the key literary resource and prayer was intricately involved in the school day. A place where all could learn moral behavior and the three R’s. But then the 60’s came and they threw God out of the schools and the bible along with him. Where did that lead us? Troubled kids without great education and with no basis of morality. Public education today is the incubation center of violence where hope is dashed and life is meaningless. We talk today about Public Education and how we can make God the Issue in this conversation.
July 5, 2022 Know Your Enemy
Do you have enemies? If you are a genuine follower of Jesus you do. He, Himself, told us, “If the world hates you, remember it hated me first…. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you” (John 15:18-19). Jesus had enemies; therefore, you have enemies. However, the critical question is, how did Jesus respond to His foes? Sometimes he humiliated them, other times he was amazingly gentle. Brad talks about what Jesus modeled and how we can apply that to our daily lives.
August 1, 2022 Is it a Sin NOT to Vote?
Is it a sin to not vote? Have you ever wondered about that question? What does God actually say? The Bible makes the issue very clear. Join Brad as he unpacks Jesus’ words in Matthew chapter 25 and applies them to one of our most basic duties as Christian citizens in a constitutional republic.
August 22, 2022 Culture Proofing Your Kids
The culture is working hard, every day, to hijack your kids. Imagine your son or daughter turning 21 and saying, “Mom, dad, God is irrelevant to my life.” You did everything you knew to do, but it wasn’t enough. How will you feel? Join Brad as he unpacks what you can do to culture proof your kids.
September 19, 2022 Critical Race Theory
Brad reveals both what Critical Race Theory gets right, as well as its fatal flaw. He discusses how the Woke movement denies the core teachings of Jesus. Finally, he ends with three questions which will allow you to reframe the issue, by putting Jesus back into the center of the conversation.
October 10, 2022 Part 1:
Can I Vote Wisely?
Recently, we recorded a podcast entitled “Is it a Sin to NOT Vote?” where we focused on Matthew 25, that as a steward of your God-given vote it is a sin to bury it in the ground rather than to invest it. We also touched on how to vote wisely. This is the follow up to the podcast expanding on the question, “How can I vote wisely?” It is not designed to tell you who to vote for, or what political party to support. The goal is to pass on practical information to help you more wisely invest the vote God gave you.
June 6, 2022 - The Constitution is King: The Constitution is King – Where Christians owe their allegiance
Romans 13:1 commands, “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established” (NIV). When these words were penned, one man ruled supreme in the Roman Empire—Caesar. But what does this passage mean for Christians today who live in a Constitutional Republic like the United States? Brad Bright’s insight is compelling, challenging, and critical to understand as the battle for America’s heart and soul intensifies.