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Writer's picture: Brad BrightBrad Bright

Updated: May 17, 2019

Today, in America, we are playing cultural “Whack-A-Mole.” And boy, are we whacking away something fierce. Same Sex Marriage. Abortion. Racism. Big Government. Immigration policy. Religious Freedom. Education. Deficit Spending. Health Care. Gun Control. The barrage of issues seems endless and I meet many people on the verge of throwing in the towel. But there is hope. We can still make a difference.

I think the following questions help clarify where we must focus the bulk of our efforts if we are serious about pulling our culture back from the brink:

- Is same sex marriage a cause or an effect?

- Is abortion a cause or an effect?

- Is racism a cause or an effect?

- Are broken families a cause or an effect?

- Is a broken economy a cause or an effect?

- Are dishonest politicians, judges and reporters a cause or an effect?

- Is a person’s worldview a cause or an effect?

- Is violence in schools or on the streets of Chicago a cause or an effect?

Every item listed above is an effect—not a cause. Each one flows from an underlying view ofGod—including a person’s worldview. Our view of the world is driven by our view of God.

The 2006 Baylor University study on the four views of God in America made this cause and effect relationship stunningly clear. They even concluded, “You learn more about people’s moral and political behavior if you know their image of God than almost any other measure.” They even said they could predict how a person would vote based entirely on their view of God. Wow!

That’s why Bill Bright confidently asserted, “We can trace all our human problems to our view of God.”

Imagine finding out you had cancer, but all your doctor wanted to do was treat the symptoms. It would allow you to function better for awhile and mask the pain, but it would still kill you.

America has cancer. Whacking away at the symptoms has bought us time, but not a cure.

Consider the issue of marriage. It’s simply not enough just to argue for “traditional” marriage because not everyone values tradition to the same degree. However, everyone’s view of marriage flows from their view of God whether they know it or not. According to the Baylor study, if a person sees God as engaged, judging and caring they are very likely to believe marriage is between one man and one woman. If, on the other hand, they see God as completely detached from his creation they are most likely to support same sex marriage.

Helping people view God as he really is will inevitably change their view of marriage, as well as their view of abortion, racism, divorce, sex, hard work, integrity, money and, yes, even their worldview.

The opposition understands this. That is why they fanatically press to exclude God from the conversation. They try to intimidate people of faith into silence. They angrily accuse us of “hate speech” and daily mock us. They have shrewdly redefined Separation of Church and Stateso they can use it as a bludgeon. They know that if they can censor God from the public square they will win. It really is that simple.

So how do we make a difference? The next time someone cries, “Separation of Church and State!” shrewdly ask them why they want to censor religious speech. Ask them why they think God is irrelevant. Ask them what Jesus said that deserves to be censored. Reframe the conversation to make God the issue. That is the one conversation we must have. Be warm, but be direct. And make sure YOU are the one asking the pointed questions.

When someone says there is nothing wrong with abortion or same sex marriage, respond, “You are 100% correct...unless the God of the Bible actually exists.” Shrewdly shift the conversation from the symptom to the cause.Make GOD the watershed issue. Let’s face it, apart from God’s existence, how can “Thou Shalt Not…” compete with “Just Do It!”?

God bless Dan Cathy for saying he subscribes to a “biblical” view of marriage rather than just “traditional” marriage. Like Dan, if we care about the future of our children we must start making God and his perspective the issue in every issue—without apology. “Whac-A-Mole” was fun when I was a kid, but it is a losing strategy in the culture war.

©2019 Brad Bright

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Updated: May 19, 2020

Very few people identify as an atheist, but a huge majority of Americans are living like one, including Christians… and it’s killing us.

How can you tell if you are a functional atheist?  For starters, ponder the following question:

Do my circumstances determine how I see God, or does my view of God determine how I see my circumstances?

Here are a few more questions to help you drill down further. Think of them as a mirror:

Do I say, “God is love,” but then doubt he loves me?

Do I say, “God is faithful,” but then lie awake at night consumed by anxiety?

Do I say, “God is forgiving,” but then find myself consumed by feelings of guilt?

Do I say, “God is sovereign,” but then get angry when life gives me lemons?

Do I say, “God is all-powerful,” and then try to live the Christian life in my own strength?

Do I say, “God is holy,” but then rationalize or become complacent about my sin? 

Do I say, “God wants me to be happy,” in order to justify my self-centered choices?

Do I say, “God knows everything,” but I don’t consult him throughout the day?

Did you like what you saw in the mirror?

Too often, we, who claim to be followers of Jesus live as functional atheists. We tell ourselves we believe in God’s love, power, holiness, forgiveness and sovereignty but our lives testify otherwise. 

The reality is, we are all in process. Every Christian can look in the mirror and see areas where we have tendencies to function like an atheist. The goal, over time, is to see growth. But keep in mind, you can’t fix yourself (really, I’ve tried), you can only fix your view of God. That is the key to making the Christian life work.

If you are a functional atheist in any area of your life the book, GOD, Who Are You Anyway? by Bill Bright, with Brad Bright, can be a great help.

Check out the website:

©2019 Brad Bright

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Updated: May 17, 2019

Is healthcare a human right? Is “Medicare for All” a moral imperative?

Let me ask the question another way. Are you morally obligated to pay for the health care of people who overeat, don’t exercise, smoke, engage in high risk behavior or eat at McDonalds every day? Is it your moral duty to pay for the bad choices of someone else? Are you ethically obligated to cover the healthcare costs of someone in India who can’t otherwise afford healthcare? If you are obligated in every one of those instances (no exceptions), then it is truly a human right. Otherwise, it’s simply silver-tongued politicians holding up a shiny red apple enticing you to take a bite.

“Medicare for All” would unfairly punish those who have been responsible and reward many who have been irresponsible. That’s unjust!

Furthermore, where do “rights” come from? From government? Anything the government gives it can take away so that can’t be the source of human rights. From nature? No, nature left to it’s own devices is all about the strong dominating the weak. From the majority? Do I even need to respond to that? From judges? Which ones, the liberals or the conservatives? So where do “rights” come from? Either they come from God or they are little more than an illusory fairytale that we make up.

In light of that, the Bible says, “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” That’s pretty straight forward. According to God, if we are capable of working, then we have to earn the right to eat. So, if God doesn’t regard eating as an unconditional human right then do you think He regards healthcare as an unconditional human right? Don’t get me wrong, God is truly compassionate—but He does not tend to punish responsible people for the short-comings of the irresponsible. Therefore, if healthcare is a human right and God is the only viable source of all human rights, then wouldn’t that make God unjust?

©2019 Brad Bright

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